Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Making Progress....

I told you that I wasn't sure what color I was going to do the cupboards. Well, I walked into the hardware store to get some spackle and found two gallon cans of "Oops" paint for $8 a piece and they were the perfect white!!! Perfect, because the decision was made for me, you know how many different shades of white there are???? And because I got 2 gallons for less than the price of one gallon. I'm just going to start with the upper cupboards and see how it looks. Today I did this batch of cupboards....(5 coats later, and they still need touch up)

I cleared off all the Pfaltzgraff from the top of the cupboards....
And I'm putting it on racks in the basement. This is about 1/3 of my collection... I still have to clear out what is inside the cupboards.

And a pic of Mason, in his favorite chair. He climbs right up on the ottoman and makes himself comfy on the chair.
Lots more painting and clearing going on tomorrow. I'm getting a workout hauling all these dishes downstairs!

Have a great night,



  1. Wow! Looks great... I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one willing to live with things verses spending more.... I think that makes us thrifty?
    Either way they look spectacular and you have done a fabulous job!

  2. Looking good...I think you will love your new look. White always looks good. A classic.....Linda

  3. I see you have a little superviser there in Mason:) He's a cutie:) Now you can use a primer paint before painting with your top coat. That way you wouldn't have to use so many coats.

  4. I started painting my cupboards white a while back and it took several coats. I only did the upper ones and here soon, I'm going to paint the lower ones too. My kitchen isn't very big and the white cabinets has helped with making it feel larger.
    Can't wait to see your kitchen when you get it all done.

  5. I so want to do this too! What kind of paint do you use for kitchen cabinets? Also, how much sanding do you have to do before? I haven't had the guts to start. You amaze me, you just decide to do it, and get started right away!
    It looks great so far!

  6. love the white..but then I loved your original too..but the white will give you that farmhouse look..;) can't wait to see it all done.;)

  7. It looks good so far Tiffany! I was also going to say, if you used primer then you wouldn't have to do so many coats. You could also use a liquid sander, this allows you to paint over ANYTHING without sanding! You most likely have some type of finish on the cabinets which can also hinder the paints ability to stick properly. Can you tell I have painted ALOT! LOL! I love the white and I think it will really freshen the room up nicley!
    Your little Mason is so cute! I love this age, and miss those days sometimes. I saw "Thomas the Tank Engine" on T.V. the other day, and I got emotional. My oldest son LOVED Thomas, and had all the trains and movies. I saved everything. Anyhow, it just took me back and I missed that time for both of us.
    Have a good week.

  8. Did you have to sand all those cabinets? I love the white, it'll really brighten the room up alot!

  9. I am SO jealous. We are getting new cabinets this year but my husband is dead set against white. He wants stained wood. I know I will probably have to let him get what he wants, but I'd kill for white!


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