Friday, January 27, 2012

Heart to Heart Swap...

I participated in Sarah's(Makin Projiks ) Heart to Heart Swap again this year. I always have these brilliant ideas in my head, then when I go to make them they never turn out the way I want(I think I have perfectionist problems). So after several fails, I finally came up with these girls. Not quite what I had in mind, but they are cute and festive for Valentine's day. I needed to make 15 of these gals, and let me just say, they took much longer than expected.... I hope the recipients like them and I can't wait to see all the lovelies that I get in return :)

Thank you for all the encouragement about joining WW :) I had no idea how much I was really eating until my first full day yesterday using the points. Holy Cow! Know wonder I am fat!!! Anyway, I made it through day 1 and onto day 2 with no cheating, Yay! Thank goodness fruit and veggies are zero points, otherwise I would feel hungry. And just in time for my weight loss journey, my favorite oranges(Cara Cara) are in season!!! I stocked up on these this morning at the grocery store. The one thing I am finding hard, is trying to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, I only made it to 5 yesterday. I'm just not that thirsty. Of course I was up 3 times to use the bathroom last night from it. Maybe I've been dehydrated for years and didn't even know it.
Have a marvelous weekend!!,



  1. I had a little laugh to myself when I read your post,that's me,up and down all night.
    The little dolls are gorgeous ,I would love one.All the girls getting one are going to love them.
    Xxx Laura. Xxx

  2. Love the girls! Good work on WW. Those oranges look delish!

  3. Sweet little Valentine girls! You've been busy. I was following the old WW point system...just got the new points plus in the mail today. Same thing really. They say you can have more points, but it really equals out to the same. Even if I subtracted the fruit points, the other stuff went up and I broke even for my basic day to day food!! It's hard, though. I save my extra points for the weekend and just relax...not go crazy...but have a bit of normal life. We'll see how it goes. I'm so dying for Valentines chocolates though....sigh. Looking into the car thing...I'll get back to you. I'm sure it's less.


  4. Those little dolls are wonderful. Congrats on making it through day one. I had to drink water ad nauseum when I had kidney stones and found that my body eventually adjusted and I did not get up through the night. Normally I am up 10-15 times a night.

    I work with a few woman who have lost between 50 to 80 pounds on Weight Watchers....good luck with your journey.

  5. They are adorable!! I wish I would have been part of this swap!


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