Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Long Overdue Catch Up Post....

Hello my dear friends...I never intended to step away from this space for so long...it just kind of happened.  I blogged a private space for Asher's first year and it was hard enough to keep up with that, I guess it seemed like so much work to jump over here too.  I haven't even looked at blogs in ages... the ease of instagram from my phone lured me in. But I do miss this and I am going to try to make space in the day to come here.

There is so many pictures to catch up with that it will take several days worth of posts...so we will start with the most important subject matter first ;)  the baby!!   He has grown so much and is such a sweet, lovable, huggable  dare devil!!    Here are the last 6 months in a nutshell....

Mother's Day....

Wild man hair!!

Father's Day...

Oldest big brother came home for a visit....all 8 kiddos together :)

4th of July...

First pontoon boat ride...

2nd pontoon boat ride...he loves boating.

First birthday...22lbs 11oz, 30.25" long and full of lovable spunk!

Living history event....

Our crazy family :)

With love and hugs,



  1. Glad you are back. Asher is adorable!! Welcome back, Janie

  2. Hi Tiffany!! Asher is adorable and I think I said "Awww" to each picture LOL. You have such a beautiful family, so many blessings. Makes me wish we could have more. :) Your dress is gorgeous!

  3. Your little guy is adorable, Tiff! Glad you are back.

  4. Lovely to see you back Tiff great pictures.Hes a gorgeous boy,and very like Mason.Love your "crazy "family.xx

  5. Such fun pictures you've shared - love the family portrait at the end! Looks like everyone is healthy and happy! Good to see your post!

  6. Nice to see you post again. Asher is adorable!

  7. So glad you are back Tiff. Asher is a cutie and pictures of your "crazy family" are great - everyone is having such a happy time!!

  8. So glad you are back Tiff. Asher is a cutie and pictures of your "crazy family" are great - everyone is having such a happy time!!

  9. Thank you so much and I have already bookmarked this page.

  10. يستخدم العلاج بالضغط الإيجابي للحد من خطر تكون الجلطة، عن طريق تضميد ساق المصاب بشكل ضيق من الأسفل إلى الأعلى. وبفضل الضغط الإيجابي، يتم تحفيز تدفق الدم بشكل أفضل، ويحد من تراكم الجلطات وهذا يعتبر أفضل علاج الجلطات العميقة.


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