I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Remember the cookie cutter swap I participated in? I got my package last week and was happy to get three old cookie cutters(just the kind I collect), some recipes, homemade cookies, tea and drink mix, and a very special cookie recipe book that my partner used when her kids were little(it was really sweet of her to give it to me). I was very please with it all.
BUT! That's not all, on Friday a box came in the mail. I knew I hadn't ordered anything and then I saw the return address, my swap partner. Hmmm... She sent me another package which she didn't have to, but she thought it should all be included. An awesome vintage Christmas apron, a red gingham table cloth and napkins, a magazine, and another vintage cookie cutter. How wonderful was that!?!?!?! Thank you, thank you, thank you Kathy, you went above and beyond!!!!
Close up of the flocking on the apron.
Here is an easy teacher of office gift to make. This is actually the 2nd one I've made, the first one I took to my youngest daughter's school for the office staff and this one will go to my 1st grader's school's office staff tomorrow. All you do is take an embrodiery hoop(I have a ton from goodwill), and tie on fabric strips and ribbon(I used wide wire ribbon and and 2" wide fabric strips), alternating one ribbon and then 2 fabric strips. After you cover the whole hoop, you go back and add the curling ribbon and attach candy with it, then curl it. You can add a pair of small scissors if you want, so they can cut the candy off, but you don't have to.
I made this wool Dresden plate charger last week for a neighbor. It's using the smaller template but still the same design. It came out nice and Christmasy.
Saturday night we got our first good snow, not a lot for Maine, but enough for the kids to go out and play in.

I can't believe how fast December is flying by, I have so much I still need to do... crafting, shopping, baking, and I haven't even started to prepare for the baby. He will be here before I know it!!
Enjoy your day,
That was a great swap. I have that magazine and was just rereading it yesterday. Your amount of snow is alot for us. Everything looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I love visiting your blog.
Wow Tiff, you were spoiled, I'm so glad! What a sweet thing to do, I just love the spirit of swaps, bloggers and farmgirls are the best! Enjoy it all! Keep a eye out, I'll be hosting a sweet valentines swap too!