
Friday, July 5, 2013

A Milestone Day...

This morning the scale revealed a huge milestone to me.... 50 lbs shed(not lost, because I don't ever want to find them) !!!

It motivated me to get up and try out my new sports bra this morning. So at 7:10 this morning(before it got too hot), my daughter and I hit the pavement. We made it 3/4 of the way around the neighborhood jogging, but we had to walk the steep hill(I'm not that in shape yet). I think that is the most I have ever jogged in my whole life!  I don't see myself becoming a runner, but I will try to keep up the jogging thing to reach my goal.

Oh, and Cameron called to wish his brother a Happy Birthday last night and said that he should be coming home for leave some time next week!!! Yay!!  And maybe a cross country road trip is in our near future(super excited to think about it).

Have a super fantastic day everyone!!



  1. Congrats to you!!!!!!!
    Happy belated birthday to Noah.
    Hugs :)

  2. Great accomplishment Tiff - Woot Woot!

  3. Congratulations on the loss, I see saw with this, its hard work.

  4. Good for you! Keep it up and keep moving!!! Dianntha

  5. That's wonderful!!! But be careful of your knee's, running is bad for them!

  6. AWESOME!!! What an incredible accomplishment! CONGRATS!!


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