
Sunday, February 5, 2012

WW Weigh in....

I've really been good and trying(no cheating) for the past 11 days on Weight Watchers. Wow, 11 days, that alone is a milestone for me, I don't think I have ever lasted that long on a diet!LOL! Anyway, they gave me my weigh in day as Sunday, but being that I signed up on a Wednesday night, I chose to wait until this Sunday to weigh in(hence the 11 days), but from here on out it will just be 7 day check ins.

Ok, so here we go... I'm down 3.6 lbs, not a huge amount in poundage, but at least it is something. On a bigger note, I took my measurements again, and after 11 days here are my stats.... Chest - 2", Waist - 2", Hips - 1.5", Thigh same, Arm -.5" !!!! So those are some good results!! I've been exercising and building up the muscle, so I'm sure that is just toning and not from 3.6lbs weight loss, but I'll still take it!!

Hopefully by summer, I will have a noticeable change in my clothes and will be halfway to my goal.

Have a lovely Sunday and GO PATS!!!(not that I will be watching, I'm organizing my craft area,



  1. Well done Tiff,good weight loss,keep going.
    Laura xxx

  2. Congrats!! I lost a bit over the last two weeks, but this weekend I had a harder time staying on track. Back to being good today and tomorrow!! If I keep a hook in my hand, I don't eat! LOL

  3. Great Job! You look great the way you are but feeling better is the key. I hope you meet your goal and can you meet mine also.:)


  4. Yeah Tiff!
    That's fantastic. Keep up the good work.
    Hugs :)

  5. Congrats - those are great numbers!

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss Tiff! Keep up the good work. I am impressed with the inches you have lost, awesome job. Wednesday is weigh in for me, ugh!

  7. Keep up the good work Tiff! Great job on the weight loss!! Take care, Janice


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